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The selection of the lamp and ballast as a system is an important design decision to optimize energy efficiency of the lighting system. A reduction in lighting energy usage can be combined with other energy-conserving measures to meet the requirements of LEED-NC, LEED-CS, and LEED for SchoolsCreditEA1. LEED-NC, LEED-CS, and LEED for SchoolsCreditSS8 requires that exterior lights be provided as needed for "safety and comfort" with the lighting power densities for the exterior areas and the building facade and landscape at a minimum of 20 and 50% less than ASHRAE/IESNA90.1, respectively. In addition, the lighting design must eliminate or minimize any "light trespass" from the site and reduce "sky glow," depending on the zone classification of the site according to IESNARP-33 requirements. Consider selecting the proper light fixtures, such as low-intensity shielded fixtures, the aiming of the fixtures, and using automatic controllers to turn off nonessential site lighting after a specific hour as defined by this credit. CreditSS8 also sets requirements for interior lighting. See Section265100 "Interior Lighting." GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes: Poles, accessories, extra materials. Accessories for support of luminaires. Related Documents & Sections: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 specification sections apply to the work of this Section. Division 26 "Basic Materials and Methods" section applies to the work in this Section. Division 26 Exterior Lighting section applies to the work in this Section. Division 26 Design Details 26 56 00 -1, -2, -3, -4 found at the UNL website. Coordination Requirements: Coordinate the installation of all light poles with the work of other trades. This includes but is not limited to placement of poles in conjunction with civil work such as sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, landscaping and building exteriors. Coordinate pole installation, fuses in pole base, fixture circuiting, and fixture external surge protection device installation. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each pole, accessory, luminaire-supporting and lowering device, arranged as indicated on the plans and as required. Include data on construction details, profiles, effective projected area (EPA), cable entrances, materials, dimensions, weight, rated design load, and ultimate strength of individual components. Include finishes for lighting poles and luminaire-supporting devices. Anchor bolts. Manufactured pole foundations. Manufacture cut sheets indicating pole catalog number selections with highlighted selections. Include pole designations that match the project designations if applicable. All distinct poles required on the project shall be submitted in one single submittal so all poles can be reviewed at one time. Shop Drawings: Anchor-bolt templates keyed to specific poles and certified by manufacturer. Include plans, elevations, sections, and mounting and attachment details. Include details of equipment assemblies, indicate dimensions, weights, loads, required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection. Detail fabrication and assembly of poles and pole accessories. Foundation construction details, including material descriptions, dimensions, anchor bolts, support devices, and calculations, signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Nebraska. Method and procedure of pole installation. Include manufacturers written installation instructions. Pole and Support Component Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of poles, certifying that products are designed for indicated load requirements according to AASHTO LTS-6-M and that load imposed by luminaire and attachments has been included in design. The certification shall be based on design calculations signed and sealed by a professional engineer. Qualification Data: For Installer. Material Test Reports: For each foundation component, by a qualified testing agency. For each pole, by a qualified testing agency. Source quality-control reports. Provide all applicable field quality-control reports. Soil test reports. Warranty: Copy of manufacturers warranty. Project Record Documents: Record actual pole connections, configurations, locations, quantities and any associated accessories. Provide this information along with project as-builts per the contract documents plans and specifications. Operation and Maintenance Data: For poles to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. In addition to general requirements and items specified in the UNL Design Guidelines pertaining to operation and maintenance data, include pole inspection and repair procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. Testing Agency Qualifications: Qualified according to ASTM C 1093 for foundation testing. Comply with IEEEC2, "National Electrical Safety Code." Comply with NFPA70. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of exterior light poles of types and ratings required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than three (3) years. Installer: Qualified with at least three (3) years of successful installation experience on projects with exterior lighting fixture and pole work similar to that required for this project. Provide poles from a single manufacturer for each project. REFERENCES NEC Compliance: Comply with the NEC (NFPA 70) as applicable to the installation and construction of lighting poles. NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA Standard Pub. Nos. LE-1 and LE-2 pertaining to lighting equipment. ANSI/UL Compliance: Comply with ANSI/UL Standards pertaining to interior and exterior lighting fixtures for hazardous locations. ANSI C82.11 - American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts - High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts - Supplements. NECA 1 - Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction, latest edition. NECA/IESNA 501 Standard for Installing Exterior Lighting Systems, latest edition. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listings. Provide fixtures that have been UL Listed and labeled to any or all of the following standards as applicable to the project: UL 844 - Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. UL 924 - Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment. UL 1598 - Luminaires. UL 8750 - Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Store poles on decay-resistant skids at least 12 inches above grade and vegetation. Support poles to prevent distortion and arrange to provide free air circulation. Retain factory-applied pole wrappings on metal poles until immediately before pole installation unless stored outside. If in a moist environment, remove wrapping immediately. Handle poles with web fabric straps. Package aluminum poles for shipping according to ASTM B 660. Receive, handle, and store products according to NECA/IESNA 501 (exterior lighting), and all manufacturers written instructions. Protect pole finishes prior and during install by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering as required. WARRANTY Special Warranty: Manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of pole(s) that fail in materials or workmanship; that corrode; or that fade, stain, perforate, erode, or chalk due to effects of weather or solar radiation within a specified warranty period. Manufacturer may exclude lightning damage, hail damage, vandalism, abuse, or unauthorized repairs from special warranty period. Warranty Period: Five (5) years from date of Substantial Completion. Warranty Period for Corrosion Resistance: Five (5) years from date of Substantial Completion. Warranty Period for Color Retention: Five (5) years from date of Substantial Completion PRODUCTS In "Products" Paragraph below, retain first option when only one manufacturer and product designation is indicated on Drawings and Contractor must use named product; retain second option when more than one manufacturer and product is indicated on Drawings, providing choices for Contractor among those listed; retain third option if one or more manufacturers and products are indicated and Contractor may propose products from other manufacturers. Delete this article if no manufacturers and product designations are indicated. See Section016000 "Product Requirements." PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS In "Products" Paragraph below, retain first option when only one manufacturer and product designation is indicated on Drawings and Contractor must use named product; retain second option when more than one manufacturer and product is indicated on Drawings, providing choices for Contractor among those listed; retain third option if one or more manufacturers and products are indicated and Contractor may propose products from other manufacturers. Delete this article if no manufacturers and product designations are indicated. See Section016000 "Product Requirements." Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application. NRTL Compliance: Luminaires shall be listed and labeled for indicated class and division of hazard by an NRTL. Metal Parts: Free of burrs and sharp corners and edges. Sheet Metal Components: Corrosion-resistant aluminum unless otherwise indicated. Form and support to prevent warping and sagging. Doors, Frames, and Other Internal Access: Smooth operating, free of light leakage under operating conditions, and designed to permit relamping without use of tools. Designed to prevent doors, frames, lenses, diffusers, and other components from falling accidentally during relamping and when secured in operating position. Doors shall be removable for cleaning or replacing lenses. Designed to disconnect ballast when door opens. Exposed Hardware Material: Stainless steel. Revise "Luminaire Finish" Paragraph below to include custom colors. Coordinate custom-color requirements for luminaires with those for poles and other luminaire support requirements. Luminaire Finish: Manufacturer's standard paint applied to factory-assembled and -tested luminaire before shipping. Where indicated, match finish process and color of pole or support materials. Variations in Luminaire Finishes: Noticeable variations in same piece are unacceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. Retain "Factory-Applied Finish for Steel Luminaires" Paragraph below when luminaire material is steel that is not to be field painted and is not required to match finish of pole or support materials. Retain "Factory-Applied Finish for Aluminum Luminaires" Paragraph below when luminaire material is aluminum that is not to be field painted and is not required to match finish of pole or support materials. See Editing Instruction No.7 in the Evaluations for discussion of luminaire labeling. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer to design pole foundation and pole power system. Dead Load: Weight of luminaire and its horizontal and vertical supports, lowering devices, and supporting structure, applied according to AASHTO LTS-6-M. Structural Characteristics: Dead Load: Weight of luminaire and its horizontal and vertical supports, lowering devices, and supporting structure, applied according to AASHTO LTS-6-M. Ice Load: Load of 3lbf/sq. ft. applied according to AASHTO LTS-6-M for applicable areas on the Ice Load Map. Live Load: Single load of 500 lbf distributed according to AASHTO LTS-6-M. Wind-Load Strength of Poles: Adequate at indicated heights above grade without failure, permanent deflection, or whipping in steady winds of speed indicated in "Structural Analysis Criteria for Pole Selection" Article. Retain "Strength Analysis" Subparagraph below to help ensure that poles are stiff enough to avoid excessive flexure and vibration. Alternatively, add requirements for minimum pole wall thickness and other parameters. See Editing Instruction No.5 in the Evaluations. Strength Analysis: For each pole, multiply the actual equivalent projected area of luminaires and brackets by a factor of 1.1 to obtain the equivalent projected area to be used in pole selection strength analysis. Luminaire Attachment Provisions: Comply with luminaire manufacturers' mounting requirements. Use stainless-steel fasteners and mounting bolts unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate "Mountings, Fasteners, and Appurtenances" Paragraph below with Drawings. Mountings, Fasteners, and Appurtenances: Corrosion-resistant items compatible with support components. Materials: Shall not cause galvanic action at contact points. Anchor Bolts, Leveling Nuts, Bolt Caps, and Washers: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication unless otherwise indicated. Anchor-Bolt Template: Plywood or steel. Provide shipped with poles from factory. Coordinate "Handhole" Paragraph below with Drawings for indication of concrete foundations suitable for soil conditions and loads imposed by pole, luminaire, and support components. Handhole: Oval-shaped, with minimum clear opening of 3 by 5 inches with cover secured by stainless-steel captive screws. Concrete Pole Foundations: Cast in place, with anchor bolts to match pole-base flange. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork are specified in Section033000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete." Coordinate two paragraphs below with Drawings. On Drawings, identify poles that require breakaway supports described in paragraph below. Add description if specific type of breakaway support is required. Breakaway Supports: Frangible breakaway supports, tested by an independent testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, according to AASHTOLTS-4-M. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: As noted on the drawings by notes and/or by the light fixture schedule dictated by this Section. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one following: Parking Lot Light Poles: Lithonia RTS Series or approved equal. Street and Roadway Lighting: Lithonia RTS Series or approved equal. Pedestrian Lighting: LumenPulse LumenTech Series 5 Round Smart Pole with QB6 decorative base. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS CRITERIA FOR POLE SELECTION Retain this article if manufacturer is responsible for selecting poles and other luminaire support components and certifying them to suit wind, ice, and other load conditions as expressed in AASHTOLTS-4-M. Delete if structural considerations have been applied by the design team in selecting "basis-of-design" or proprietary pole products, and these products have been identified in the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule or in details on Drawings. See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations. Dead Load: Weight of luminaire and its horizontal and vertical supports, lowering devices, and supporting structure, applied as stated in AASHTOLTS-6-M. Retain "Live Load" Paragraph below if Project includes pole-mounted walkways. Live Load: Single load of 500 lbf (2224N), distributed as stated in AASHTOLTS-6-M. Retain "Ice Load" Paragraph below if Project is inside the area shown in the Ice Load Map, Figure3-1. Ice Load: Load of 3 lbf/sq. ft. (145 Pa), applied as stated in AASHTOLTS-6-M Ice Load Map. See Editing Instruction No.2 in the Evaluations for discussion of wind-load calculations. Wind Load: Pressure of wind on pole and luminaire and banners and banner arms, calculated and applied as stated in AASHTOLTS-6-M. Basic wind speed for calculating wind load for poles exceeding 49 feet in height or less is 100 mph (45 m/s). Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Minimum Design Life: 25 years Velocity Conversion Factors: 1.0 If using support structures other than poles, insert an article here to specify structure materials. STEEL POLES Steel poles are standard for all parking lot, street, and roadway light poles. See Editing Instruction No.5 in the Evaluations for discussion of pole flexure and vibration resistance. Poles: Comply with ASTMA500, GradeB, carbon steel with a minimum yield of 46,000 psig (317 MPa); one-piece construction up to 40 feet (12m) in height with access handhole in pole wall. Shape: Round, tapered. Coordinate "Mounting Provisions" Subparagraph below with Drawings. Mounting Provisions: Butt flange for bolted mounting on foundation or breakaway support. Indicate on Drawings the span and rise of mast arms in "Steel Mast Arms" Paragraph below. Delete paragraph if mast arms are adequately described in the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule or in details on Drawings. Steel Mast Arms: single-arm or double-arm as required, davit type, continuously welded to pole attachment plate. Material and finish same as pole. Indicate on Drawings the span and rise of luminaire brackets in "Brackets for Luminaires" Paragraph below. Delete paragraph if luminaire brackets are adequately described in the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule or in details on Drawings. Brackets for Luminaires: Detachable, cantilever, without underbrace. Adapter fitting welded to pole, allowing the bracket to be bolted to the pole mounted adapter, then bolted together with stainless-steel bolts. Cross Section: Tapered oval, with straight tubular end section to accommodate luminaire. Match pole material and finish. Pole-Top Tenons: Fabricated to support luminaire or luminaires and brackets indicated, and securely fastened to pole top. Grounding and Bonding Lugs: Welded 1/2-inch (13-mm) threaded lug, complying with requirements in Section260526 "Grounding System" listed for attaching grounding and bonding conductors of type and size listed in that Section, and accessible through handhole. Cable Support Grip: Wire-mesh type with rotating attachment eye, sized for diameter of cable and rated for a minimum load equal to weight of supported cable times a 5.0 safety factor. Retain any combination of three paragraphs below that applies to steel poles or other steel support components for this Project. Specify field-painting requirements in Section099113 "Exterior Painting" and Section099123 "Interior Painting." Verify compatibility of factory finishes with field-applied coats. Prime-Coat Finish: Manufacturer's standard prime-coat finish ready for field painting. Galvanized Finish: After fabrication, hot-dip galvanize complying with ASTMA123/A123M. Retain "Galvanized Finish" Paragraph above for plain galvanized finish; retain "Factory-Painted Finish" Paragraph below for factory-painted finish. Factory-Painted Finish: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP1, "Solvent Cleaning," to remove dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants that could impair paint bond. Grind welds and polish surfaces to a smooth, even finish. Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel, complying with SSPC-SP5/NACENo.1, "White Metal Blast Cleaning," or with SSPC-SP8, "Pickling." Interior Surfaces of Pole: One coat of bituminous paint, or otherwise treat for equal corrosion protection. Exterior Surfaces: Manufacturer's standard finish consisting of one or more coats of primer and two finish coats of high-gloss, high-build polyurethane enamel. Color: Black unless otherwise specified by the project requirements. ALUMINUM POLES Poles: seamless, extruded structural tube complying with ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T6, with access handhole in pole wall. Shape: Round, tapered. Mounting Provisions: Butt flange for bolted mounting on foundation or breakaway support. Brackets for Luminaires: Detachable, cantilever, without underbrace. Adaptor fitting welded to pole, allowing the bracket to be bolted to the pole-mounted adapter, then bolted together with [stainless] [galvanized]-steel bolts. Cross Section: Tapered oval, with straight tubular end section to accommodate luminaire. Match pole material and finish. Pole-Top Tenons: Fabricated to support luminaire or luminaires and brackets indicated, and securely fastened to pole top. Grounding and Bonding Lugs: Welded 1/2-inch (13-mm) threaded lug, complying with requirements in Section260526 "Grounding System" listed for attaching grounding and bonding conductors of type and size listed in that Section, and accessible through handhole. Cable Support Grip: Wire-mesh type with rotating attachment eye, sized for diameter of cable and rated for a minimum load equal to weight of supported cable times a 5.0 safety factor. Retain any combination of three paragraphs below that applies to steel poles or other steel support components for this Project. Specify field-painting requirements in Section099113 "Exterior Painting" and Section099123 "Interior Painting." Verify compatibility of factory finishes with field-applied coats. Prime-Coat Finish: Manufacturer's standard prime-coat finish ready for field painting. Factory-Painted Finish: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP1, "Solvent Cleaning," to remove dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants that could impair paint bond. Grind welds and polish surfaces to a smooth, even finish. Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel, complying with SSPC-SP5/NACENo.1, "White Metal Blast Cleaning," or with SSPC-SP8, "Pickling." Interior Surfaces of Pole: One coat of bituminous paint, or otherwise treat for equal corrosion protection. Exterior Surfaces: Manufacturer's standard finish consisting of one or more coats of primer and two finish coats of high-gloss, high-build polyurethane enamel. Color: Black unless otherwise specified by the project requirements. POLE ACCESSORIES Revise this article to suit Project, safety codes, and luminaire servicing methods. Add requirement for removable steps if necessary. Coordinate with the Exterior Lighting Device Schedule on Drawings. Duplex Receptacle: Only where required of particular project scope, a 120V, 20A, heavy duty receptacle in a weatherproof assembly complying with Section262726 "Wiring Devices" for ground-fault circuit-interrupter type. Surface mounted, a minimum of 12 inches above finished grade. Nonmetallic polycarbonate plastic or reinforced fiberglass, weatherproof in use, cover, painted to match pole that when mounted results in NEMA250, Type 3R enclosure. With cord opening allowing for use while the cover is pad locked. With lockable hasp and latch that complies with OSHA lockout and tag-out requirements. Coordinate two "base" paragraphs below with "Breakaway Supports" Paragraph in "General Requirements for Poles and Support Components" Article. Base Covers: Manufacturers' standard metal units, arranged to cover pole's mounting bolts and nuts. Finish same as pole. In split shell configuration for replacement or access to bolts below. Vibration Dampers: Factory installed system to reduce common pole vibration events and minimum vibrations at frequencies commonly found in light pole installations of similar setups. Verify availability of decorative accessories with specified pole manufacturers. Decorative accessories, supplied by decorative pole manufacturer, include the following: Banner Arms: As specified by Project Architect. Flag Holders: As specified by Project Architect. Ladder Rests: As specified by Project Architect. MOUNTING HARDWARE Anchor Bolts: Manufactured to ASTM F 1554, Grade 55, with a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi (380,000 kPa). Galvanizing: Hot dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153, Class C. Bent rods, sized as required by manufacturer. Threading: Uniform National Coarse, Class 2A. Nuts: ASTM A 563, Grade A, Heavy-Hex Galvanizing: Hot dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153, Class C. Two nuts provided per anchor bolt. Washers: ASTM F 436, Type 1. Galvanizing: Hot dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153, Class C. One washers provided per anchor bolt. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine areas and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. Examine poles, luminaire-mounting devices, lowering devices, and pole accessories before installation. Components that are scratched, dented, marred, wet, moisture damaged, or visibly damaged are considered defective. Examine roughing-in for foundation and conduit to verify actual locations of installation. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. POLE FOUNDATION Concrete Pole Foundations: Cast in place, with anchor bolts to match pole-base flange. Structural steel complying with ASTM A 36/A 36M and hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 123/A 123 M; and with top-plate and mounting bolts to match pole-base flange and strength required to support pole, luminaire, and accessories. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork are specified in Section 033000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete." Anchor Bolts: Install plumb using manufacturer-supplied plywood template, uniformly spaced. POLE INSTALLATION Retain "Alignment" Paragraph below if luminaire alignment for desired light distribution depends on alignment of pole. Alignment: Align pole foundations and poles for optimum directional alignment of luminaires and their mounting provisions on the pole. Coordinate "Clearances" Paragraph below with Drawings and revise to suit Project. Clearances: Maintain the following minimum horizontal distances of poles from surface and underground features unless otherwise indicated on Drawings: Fire Hydrants and Storm Drainage Piping: 60 inches. Water, Gas, Electric, Communication, and Sewer Lines: 10 feet. Trees: 15 feet from tree trunk. Concrete Pole Foundations: Set anchor bolts according to anchor-bolt templates furnished by pole manufacturer. Concrete materials, installation, and finishing requirements are specified in Section033000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete." Coordinate first five paragraphs below with Drawings. See Evaluations for structural- and soil- engineering coordination. Foundation-Mounted Poles: Mount pole with leveling nuts, and tighten top nuts to torque level recommended by pole manufacturer. Retain first subparagraph below if seismic restraint is required by local code or authorities having jurisdiction. See Evaluations. Use anchor bolts and nuts selected to resist seismic forces defined for the application and approved by manufacturer. Grout void between pole base and foundation. Use nonshrink or expanding concrete grout firmly packed to fill space. Install base covers unless otherwise indicated. Use a short piece of 1/2-inch- (13-mm-) diameter pipe to make a drain hole through grout. Arrange to drain condensation from interior of pole. Poles and Pole Foundations Set in Concrete-Paved Areas: Install poles with a minimum 6-inch- (150-mm-) wide, unpaved gap between the pole or pole foundation and the edge of the adjacent concrete slab. Fill unpaved ring with pea gravel. Insert material to a level 1 inch (25 mm) below top of concrete slab. See Design Details 26 50 00-1,-2,-3,-4 for more information. Retain one of first two paragraphs below for embedded poles and coordinate with Drawings. Raise and set poles using web fabric slings (not chain or cable) at locations indicated by manufacturer. CORROSION PREVENTION Aluminum: Do not use in contact with earth or concrete. When in direct contact with a dissimilar metal, protect aluminum by insulating fittings or treatment. Steel Conduits: Comply with Section260533 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems." In concrete foundations, wrap conduit with 0.010-inch- (0.254-mm-) thick, pipe-wrapping plastic tape applied with a 50 percent overlap. GROUNDING Coordinate first paragraph below with Drawings. Ground metal poles and support structures according to Section260526 "Grounding System" Install grounding electrode for each pole unless otherwise indicated. Install grounding conductor pigtail in the base for connecting luminaire to grounding system. Ground nonmetallic poles and support structures according to Section260526 "Grounding System". Install grounding conductor and conductor protector. Ground metallic components of pole accessories and foundations. END OF SECTION 265600     SECTION 26 56 13 LIGHTING POLES University of NebraskaProject No. Title26 56 13 Lighting PolesRevised 07/2024Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 2 = I | .ABLBCL/v=>챪욚h%h1zhEZhxu hh\' hhGhhk\z@hyhhk\z@hhk\z@hhk\z@ hk\z0J. h.0J.hk\z hk\z0J- h.0J-h.<= I | .LLvgd1zgdk\zgdk\z   0`0gdY%)>j{ ?Hh2   0`0gdY%gdxugd1zgd%gd1zjz{ ?ZfHhu25J    ! !!!"!!" 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