Dear Colleagues,
Some of you have asked when to expect new information on the work of the Budget Response Teams. We will have a more robust update on our savings and strategies in January. In the meantime, as the calendar year winds down, I want to thank you for your continued feedback and support of the BRT process.
Because of the teams’ hard work, we are making good progress. We have cut $6.6 million so far this year, the equivalent of a 2% increase in tuition. And, each BRT team continues to enact operational efficiencies so we can address our significant budget shortfall while simultaneously preserving our mission.
There is heavy lifting ahead of us, particularly in view of the state’s ongoing fiscal challenges. However, I cannot emphasize enough that your engagement has played an important role in our success thus far. Nearly 7,500 of you took the time to read our first BRT update last month, and more than 100 of you e-mailed or called with reactions, suggestions and new cost-savings ideas.
Each recommendation has been forwarded to the relevant BRT group, providing useful food for thought as we continue our work. Please keep the communications coming, as we are still in the “installation phase” of our process, where employees can—and should—shape how the budget-reduction strategies are carried out.
We know 2018 will be a time of continued BRT effort and change. We have a ways to go, but let’s pause and appreciate the work that’s behind us. It was only a year ago that President Bounds and the Chancellors were formulating the idea of a university-wide approach, led by subject-matter experts, for proactively addressing our budgetary challenges by reimagining the way we do business.
Look at the we’ve made since then! As we move forward, I’m confident we have the fortitude and collective wisdom to continue to make sound decisions and achieve our goals together.
Thank you for your involvement, and I hope you have a good holiday break.
Marjorie Kostelnik
Senior Associate to the President
We want to hear your thoughts and comments. This is a very important time when we are testing our assumptions and refining how these plans will be executed. Please email direct feedback to mkostelnik@nebraska.edu, or submit anonymous feedback through this form.